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The Only EKG Book You’ll Ever Need 9th Edition

 The Only EKG Book You’ll Ever Need 9th Edition


  • Authors: MALCOLM S. THALER  
  • Pages: 396
  • Language: English
  • Format: PDF
  • Size: 34.9 MB

  • Contents

  • .   Getting Started 
  • .   Chapter1
  • .   The Basics
  •   Chapter 2
  • .   Hypertrophy and Enlargement of the Heart
  • .   Chapter 3
  • .   Arrhythmias
  •  Chapter 4
  • .   Conduction Blocks
  • .   Chapter 5 
  • .   Preexcitation Syndromes
  • .   Chapter 6
  • .    Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction
  • .    Chapter 7
  • .    Finishing Touches
  •   Chapter 8
  •   Putting It All Together
  • .    Chapter 9
  • .   How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall

  • Preface

  • The torrid pace of technologic and scientific evolution shows no signs of letting up, and clinical medicine is both its beneficiary and, conspicuously, its victim, too, as we seem to have less and less time to actually spend with our patients. It is therefore comforting to know that at least one old friend still stands tall—the EKG. Almost 30 years have passed since the first edition of this little book, and nothing has yet supplanted the EKG as the essential tool for diagnosing many cardiac disorders (and many noncardiac ones as well). Does your patient have chest pain?—get an EKG! Does your patient have palpitations?—get an EKG! Syncope or dizziness?—you get the point.

  • These three decades have not dimmed the principles outlined in the preface to the first edition: This book is about learning. It’s about keeping simple things simple, and complicated things clear, concise and, yes, simple, too. It’s about getting from here to there without scaring you to death, boring you to tears, or intimidating your socks of . It’s about turning ignorance into knowledge, knowledge into wisdom, and all with a bit of fun.

  • If I were writing this today, I would probably reword that business about the socks, but the sentiments remain and are, I hope, ones you share. New material has been added as new developments—and there have been many—have called for it, and everything is always discussed within its proper clinical context by putting you, the reader, right in the middle of real life situations. EKG’s are not used in isolation; they are just one piece—albeit an important piece—of the puzzle that every patient presents and that you and I have to figure out over and over again.

  • I want to offer a very special thanks to Dr. Adam Skolnick, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine, Leon H. Charney Division of Cardiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, whose keen editorial eye, incisive analysis, and unsurpassed expertise are the best guarantee that you will be reading the most current, clear, and accurate text that anyone could hope for. And allow me to add a shout out to Dr. Jeffrey Lorin, Assistant Professor of Medicine at NYU Medical Center, who graciously opened up his world-class collection of EKG’s so that we all could benefit.

  • A special thank you as always to the wonderful folks at Wolters Kluwer—let me give a very personal standing ovation to Kristina Oberle and Rebecca Gaertner—who always produce a beautiful, polished, limpid book (and have the good sense to edit out words like limpid when words such as clear and readable are far more serviceable and, well, limpid). They make every edition a joy to work on. For those of you picking up this book for the first time—as well as for those of you coming back for a return visit—I hope The Only EKG Book You Will Ever Need provides you with everything you need to start reading EKG’s quickly and accurately.



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