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Textbook of Uroradiology 5th Edition pdf

  Textbook of Uroradiology 5th Edition pdf




Frtd Jmner Hodges~' arul Chair

ufRJUJioloo, UnWmity ufMidap 

  Ann Arbor, Midrigrm  


Professor of   

Deptutment uf Ditlpostic RAdiology

The Univmity ofTaas MD Anderson Canar Centtr

Profossor af Radiology

The University afTexas Medictll School at Houston Howton, Texas


  professor ofRmliology and Urology

Department af Radiology

Columbia Co11tge a/Physicians and Surgeons

New York-Presbyterian Hospital

New York, New York

Contributions to previoua editiona from 


Profossor tmd Urrivmity eMir, Deptutment af RJuliology

The.Albtrt Einstein CoU. ofMt&ine and MontefioreMtdiaU Cmttr

Witb amtributions to thia edition by 


Saroja Adauumilli Profossor a/Radiology

Ann Arbor, Michigan 


Profossor afRJuliology, Hamml Mediad School

Department ofRildiology, Brigham and Womm1Hospiull 

Boston, Massachusetts 

Pages:  449                                                                                                                              

Size : 295 MB                                                                                                                             

   Language: English                                                                                                                             

Format: PDF                                                                                                                             

Contents : 

 Anatomy And Embryology   Congenital 
 Anomalies Diagnostic 
 Functional Renal Anatomy 
 Renal Physiology, And Contrast Media 
 The Retroperitoneum 
 The Adrenal Gland 
 Renal Cystic Disease 
 Renal. Tumors 
 Renal Inflammatory Disease  Vascular Diseases 
 Renal Failure 
 Renal Transplantation   Nephrocalcinosis 
 Pelvicalyceal System And Ureter  Urinary Bla.Dder 
 Prostate And Seminal Vesicles  Urethra And Penis 
 Diseases Of Th.E Uterus 
 Scrotum And Contents 
 Urinary Tract Trauma 


M r. E. Stephen coauthor of the second through fourth 
editions, decided that his busy schedule would not allow 
him to participate in the preparation of the fifth edition of 
TtXtflook ofUroradiology. We therefore asked Dr. Richard H. Cohan,
Professor of Radiology at the University of Michigan and Dr. Stuart 
G. Silverman, Professor of Radiology at Harnlrd Medical School, to
participate on a limited basis in the preparation of this new edition
to fill some of the void that resulted from Steve's decision.
The original Textbook of Uroradiology grew out of discussions between the then Williams & Walkins publishing house
and Dr. Ronald McCallum, a uroradiologist at St. Michael's
Hospital in Toronto and Professor of Radiology at the University
of Toronto. Dr. McCallum invited Drs. Dunnkk and Sandler
to join him in this effort; the result of which was the first edition of this book, originally published in 1990. As stated in the
Preface of that edition, our goal was to produce an introductory textbook of uroradiology aimed at both radiology residents
and practicing radiologist& that included oDly material that we
felt the reader ought to know, not all there is to know about a
particular topic. When Dr. McCallum retired, Drs. Dunnick
and Sandler were joined by Drs. Newhouse and Amis who had
published their own introductory tatbook, called Essentials of
Uroradiology. These same four authors produced the third edition, published in 2001 and the fourth edition in 2008.
With each edition, the authors struggled to identify material
that should be included and deleted to keep the book a manageable
size. Material concerning excretory urography has been further
reduced to reflea: its waning importance to the practice of uroradiology. However, the images and interpretative skills needed for
excretory urography can be applied directly to cr urography. and
some traditional material has been retained.
In order to keep the material as &esh as pos.sible, the authors
decided to rotate the authorship of several of the individual chapters among themselves, although, in keeping with the tradition
of Textbook of Uroradiology, individual authorship of the separate chapter$ has not been designated to reflect our view that the
book is a collaborative effort. We have once again used "Suggested
Readings• at the end of each chapter should the reader decide to
gather additional information about a particular topic, but no individual references were deemed necessary.
We continue to a:pea: that the reader will find Textbook of
Uroradiology a useful addition to his or her horary and hope that
this new version will meet with the same level of acceptance enjoyed by its predecessors.




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