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Applied Therapeutics The Clinical Use of Drugs 12th Edition 2024

 Applied Therapeutics The Clinical Use of Drugs 12th Edition 2024


  •   Pages: 8882
  •  Language: English
  •  Format: PDF
  •  Size: 66.9

  • Preface

  • Health professions education was significantly affected by theCOVID-19 pandemic, as there was a significant need to adapt thedelivery of clinical education. Many health professions programsredesigned curriculum to incorporate virtual educational tools withenhancements to online education. The pandemic has shown usmore than ever the importance of educating students who are able tothink critically and to utilize problem-solving skills to addresshealthcare challenges. Approximately five decades later, thefounding principle for this textbook—a patient-centric, case-basedapproach to learning—remains the cornerstone of health professionseducation. Our authors present approximately 900 patient cases thatstimulate the reader to integrate and apply therapeutic principles inthe context of specific clinical situations. Health professions studentsand practitioners gain a glimpse into the minds of expert clinicians asthey work to assess and solve therapeutic problems and developtheir own critical thinking and problem-solving skills.Readers familiar with past editions of the book will notice that theoverall design of the book is consistent with the eleventh edition,which incorporates a Core Principles section at the beginning ofeach chapter, providing the most important “take home” informationfrom the chapter. Each Core Principle is mapped to specific caseswithin the chapter where the principle is discussed in detail. Keyreferences and websites are listed at the end of each chapter,whereas the full reference lists for each chapter have been movedonline.

  • Building upon the excellent foundation of case-based learningprovided in previous editions, the twelfth edition has incorporatedchanges to meet the evolving educational needs of healthprofessions educators and students across the globe. The editorsand contributors have utilized the five Institute of Medicine (IOM)core competencies as a broad framework for proposing case studiesand questions within the textbook: patient-centered care,interprofessional teams, evidence-based practice, qualityimprovement, and informatics. In addition, the Accreditation Councilfor Pharmacy Education (ACPE) Accreditation Standards 2016, theCenter for the Advancement of Pharmacy Education (CAPE)Educational Outcomes, and the North American PharmacistLicensure Examination (NAPLEX) revised competency statementshave served as road maps for the editorial team and contributors indesigning the twelfth edition.Featuring contributions from more than 200 experienced healthprofessions educators, every chapter has been revised and updatedto reflect our ever-changing knowledge of drugs and the applicationof this knowledge to the individualized therapy of patients. Given theimportance of incorporating Interprofessional Practice and Education(IPE) within health professions curricula, we have dedicated achapter on IPE, as well as an array of IPE case studies prepared bycontributors that are representative of various sections of thetextbook. These IPE cases, along with answer guides, will beavailable for instructors on the textbook’s website (see the“Additional Resources” section).We welcome your feedback as we undertake planning for the nextedition. The authors have drawn on information from the literature,current standards, and their own clinical experiences to share theprocess involved in making sound and thoughtful therapeuticdecisions. However, it remains the responsibility of every practitionerto evaluate the appropriateness of a particular opinion in the contextof the actual clinical situation, bearing in mind any recentdevelopments in the field. We strongly urge students andpractitioners to consult several appropriate information sources whenworking with new and unfamiliar drugs.


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