Cardiac Intensive Care 3rd Edition 2019 Pdf
Executive Content Strategis
Robin Carter
Senior Content Development
Jennifer Shreiner
Bublishing Services Manager
Catherine Jackson
Senior Project Manager/Specialist
Carrie Stetz
Design Direction
Amy Buxton
Pages: 791
- Language: English
- Format: PDF
- Size : 17.1 MB
- . Western Bioethics
- . Principlism
- . Beneficence
- . Patient Autonomy
- . Nonmaleficence
- . Justice
- . Consequentialism
- . Casuistry
- Practical Guidelines for Ethical Decision Making
. Patient Partnership
. Authority for Medical Decision Making
. Communication
. Determining Patients’ Values and Preferences
Withholding and Withdrawing of Life Support
. Legal Precedents
. Patients With Decision-Making Capacity
. Advance Directives
. Living Wills and Medical Powers of Attorney
. Patient Self-Determination Act
. Deciding to Withhold or Withdraw Life Suppor
. Withholding and Withdrawing Basic Life Support
. Withholding Advanced Life Support
Cross-Cultural Conflic
The first edition of Cardiac Intensive Care was published in 1998
and the second in 2010. New editions of textbooks attempt to
keep pace with the rapid changes in patient demographics, new
understanding of pathophysiology, and advances in treatment.
Formats of textbooks evolve as technology improves and our
understanding grows regarding how and where learners do the
actual learning. The third edition of Cardiac Intensive Care is
no exception. As all patient care begins with a grounding in
ethics and the ability to perform an accurate history and physical
exam, those topics are covered in the beginning of the book. I
continue to believe that a strong grounding in the pathophysiology
of cardiovascular disease is mandatory to make accurate diagnoses
and appropriate treatment decisions. Thus the first chapters of
the new edition focus on the scientific underpinnings of cardiac
intensive care. However, as the field has evolved, chapters on
specific topics such non–ST segment myocardial infarction,
unstable angina, coronary spasm, complications of interventional
procedures, emergency coronary bypass surgery—all common
admission diagnoses to the cardiac intensive care unit (CICU)
in the past—are no longer pertinent to the current CICU and
have been omitted. The new edition has chapters on takotsubo
cardiomyopathy, acute myocarditis, cardiorenal syndrome,
electrical storm, distributive shock, and temporary mechanical
circulatory support devices—all of which are commonly encountered in today’s CICU. In recognition of the complexity and
advanced illness of current CICU patient populations, along
with the recognition of the limitations of care and our obligation
to ensure quality of life as opposed to quantity of life, we have
added a chapter on palliative care. We have also added audio
clips of heart sounds and videos of procedures and diagnostic
imaging in the online version of this book, available at My hope is to make this textbook more of a living
document than previous editions, with online and social media
discussions of topics relevant to cardiac intensive care.
At the twentieth anniversary of the publication of the first
edition, the loss of contributors to earlier editions is inevitable.
Giants of cardiology who contributed their time and expertise
to writing chapters in earlier editions who are no longer with
us include H.J.C. Swan, Kanu Chatterjee, Bill Little, Ralph
Shabetai, Burt Sobel, Bob O’Rourke, and Mark Josephson. Their
contributions to teaching, mentoring, research, and patient
care continue to live on and inspire the next generations of
A project of this magnitude would not be possible without
the contributions of many. I would be remiss if I did not
acknowledge the critical contributions of Jennifer Shreiner and
Carrie Stetz from Elsevier, whose tireless efforts along with
constant but gentle encouragement have kept the third edition
(more or less) on schedule. The artists and copyeditors at Elsevier
are the best in the business. Responsibility for any mistakes or
typographical errors that find their way into the finished book
falls on my shoulders, not theirs. In addition, I am deeply indebted
to the contributing authors. Book chapters do not return much
in the way of academic currency, but I am eternally grateful to
the selfless chapter authors who contributed their time and
expertise without the expectation of anything in return other
than a free copy of the book. Without them, this book would
not have been possible. I would also like to express my heartfelt
gratitude to my boss, Doug Mann (who also edits a cardiology
textbook for Elsevier that you may have heard of), for hiring
me to work at Washington University, for always supporting my
various academic endeavors, and for being a superb role model
as a person and an academic cardiologist. Finally, I thank my
family for tolerating the time I spent working on this and other
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