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The ASCRS Textbook of Colon and Rectal Surgery 4th Edition pdf

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The ASCRS Textbook of Colon and Rectal Surgery is unique. The concept of a defnitive text for state-of-the-art information for all health professional learners and practitioners, including residents in training in colon and rectal surgery as well as fully trained surgeons in practice, was conceived, implemented, and supported by the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons in 2007. It was the recognition of an idea initially conceived by Bruce Wolf, co-implemented by Jim Fleshman, and fully supported by the ASCRS Executive Council. All chapters have been extensively referenced, authoritatively written and illustrated, and have included ASCRS clinical practice guidelines. The success of the frst edition led to second and third editions in 2011 and 2016. With the rapid expansion of knowledge, technology, and techniques, each edition has been meticulously and thoroughly updated to refect state-of-the-art, evidence-based practice. The editors have been continuously refreshed just like the content to keep the book fresh and contemporary. With the fourth edition, the torch has been picked up and carried by each group of editors since the inception. The textbook remains fully supported and endorsed by the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons: the work is a product of and for the Society, owned by our society with all proceeds fowing back to the Education Fund of the society to continue to support a long-term commitment of the organization to the lifelong education not just of colon and rectal surgery trainees but all clinicians

Colon and Rectal Surgery was to make this volume the standard for the study of colon andrectal surgery, providing a valuable resource for surgeons and health care providers at all stagesof their career caring for patients with colorectal disease. This edition provides all newly written chapters, organized around the “pillars” of colorectal disease: perioperative (includingendoscopy); anorectal disease; benign disease (including infammatory bowel disease); malignancy; pelvic foor disorders; and a “miscellaneous”  Colon and rectal surgery is in a golden age; our special skills and expertise are highly valued by patients and colleagues alike. Colon and rectal training programs continue to thrive, attracting the very best and brightest surgery residents – they are the rock stars of their generation! We hope this textbook will also expose the many critical gaps in our knowledge base and inspire the next generation to answer them through thoughtful and high-level scientifc inquiry. Finally, we would like to thank our Developmental Editor Elektra McDermott for her extraordinary efforts and thoroughness in overseeing and ensuring its timely completion, along with each chapter author and coauthor(s) for their devotion to this task and to the mission of the ASCRS. We are deeply indebted to our teachers and mentors, who have been our heroes and generously shared their knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm over the years. We devote this edition to our trainees, whose energy, intellectual curiosity, and commitment to excellence drive us every day to be better. Pass it forwardsection that covers aspects both inside and beyond the operating room


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