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Pediatric Pulmonology 2nd Edition 2024 AAP pdf

  Pediatric Pulmonology 2nd Edition  2024  AAP pdf 


  •  Authors: Michael J. Light, MD, FAAP Kristin Van Hook, MD, MPH, FAAP
  •  Pages: 1217
  •  Language: English
  •  Format: PDF
  •  Size:50.8 MB


Part 3. Anatomical Disorders................................................................................ 239

Chapter 13. Congenital Abnormalities of the Upper Airway................................... 241

James W. Schroeder Jr, MD, MBA, FACS, FAAP; Susanna A. McColley, MD, FAAP;

and Mary Bono Cataletto, MD, FAAP

Chapter 14. Congenital Lung Anomalies........................................................................253

Brian P. O’Sullivan, MD, and T. Bernard Kinane, MD

Chapter 15. Chest Wall and Spinal Deformities ......................................................... 279

Julie L. Fierro, MD, MPH, and Oscar Henry Mayer, MD

Part 4. Upper Airway Infections .......................................................................... 309

Chapter 16. Croup, Epiglottitis, and Bacterial Tracheitis ......................................... 311

Girish D. Sharma, MD, FAAP, FCCP

Part 5. Lower Airway Infections............................................................................327

Chapter 17. Bronchiectasis ..................................................................................................329

Jordana E. Hoppe, MD, MSCS, and Paul C. Stillwell, MD, FAAP

Chapter 18. Bronchiolitis..................................................................................................... 341

Girish D. Sharma, MD, FAAP, FCCP

Chapter 19. Viral Pneumonia (Including COVID-19)................................................ 353

Michael J. Light, MD; Paul C. Stillwell, MD, FAAP; Nanda Ramchandar, MD, MPH,

FAAP; and Mark H. Sawyer, MD

Chapter 20. Nonviral Pneumonia.....................................................................................365

Michael J. Light, MD; Paul C. Stillwell, MD, FAAP; Nanda Ramchandar, MD, MPH,

FAAP; and Mark H. Sawyer, MD

Chapter 21. Complications of Pneumonia.....................................................................387

Paul C. Stillwell, MD, FAAP

Chapter 22. Recurrent Pneumonia...................................................................................401

Paul Houin, MD, and Paul C. Stillwell, MD, FAAP

Chapter 23. Tuberculosis......................................................................................................411

Carol Conrad, MD

Chapter 24. Nontuberculous Mycobacteria..................................................................453

Stacey L. Martiniano, MD; Patricia Lenhart-Pendergrass, MD, PhD;

and Kenneth N. Olivier, MD, MPH

Part 6. Noninfectious Pulmonary Disorders...............................................467

Chapter 25. Atelectasis ........................................................................................................ 469

Girish D. Sharma, MD, FAAP, FCCP

Chapter 26. Respiratory Disorders Associated With Systemic Inflammatory

Diseases .....................................................................................................................................481

Paul C. Stillwell, MD, FAAP, and Eric D. Zee, MD

Chapter 27. Interstitial Lung Disease..............................................................................505

Pallav Halani, MD, FAAP; Timothy J. Vece, MD; and Adrienne P. Savant, MD, MS

Chapter 28. Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia.................................................................... 521

Laurie C. Eldredge, MD, PhD, and Susanna A. McColley, MD, FAAP

Chapter 29. Pleural Effusion (Noninfectious)............................................................. 541

Girish D. Sharma, MD, FAAP, FCCP

Chapter 30. Pneumothorax and Pneumomediastinum............................................ 553

Danna Tauber, MD, MPH

Chapter 31. Pulmonary Hemorrhage ...............................................................................563

Evans M. Machogu, MBChB, MS, FAAP, and Karen Z. Voter, MD, FAAP

Part 7. Pediatric Sleep Medicine ......................................................................... 579

Chapter 32. Development and Maturation of Sleep .................................................. 581

Madeleine Grigg-Damberger, MD

Chapter 33. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome ....................................................... 603

Courtney M. Quinlan, DO, MS, and Suzanne E. Beck, MD

Chapter 34. Sleep Testing in the Laboratory and Home ..........................................617

Deborah M. Brooks, MD, and Lee J. Brooks, MD, FAAP

Chapter 35. Sleep-Related Movement Disorders ........................................................633

Jennifer Accardo, MD, MSCE

Chapter 36. Insomnia............................................................................................................643

Priya Prashad, MD, MSCE, DABSM

Chapter 37. Parasomnias...................................................................................................... 651

Priya Prashad, MD, MSCE, DABSM

Chapter 38. Narcolepsy and Other Disorders of Excessive Somnolence...........659

Nadav Traeger, MD, DABSM, FCCP, FAAP

Chapter 39. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Brief, Resolved,

Unexplained Events ..............................................................................................................671

Zarmina Ehsan, MD, FAAP

Chapter 40. Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome.................................681

Iris A. Perez, MD, FAAP; Emily S. Gillett, MD, PhD, FAAP; and Thomas G. Keens,


Part 8. Other Pulmonary Issues..........................................................................697

Chapter 41. Acute Aspiration and Chronic Aspiration–Related

Lung Disease...........................................................................................................................699

Jade B. Tam-Williams, MD, FAAP

Chapter 42. Lung Transplantation................................................................................... 721

Carol Conrad, MD

Chapter 43. Asthma and Other Respiratory Disorders Associated

With Obesity............................................................................................................................747

Mutasim Abu-Hasan, MD, and David Fedele, PhD, ABPP

Chapter 44. Functional Respiratory Disorders ............................................................763

Miles Weinberger, MD, FAAP; Manju S. Hurvitz, MD, FAAP;

and Mutasim Abu-Hasan, MD

Part 9. Genetic Disorders........................................................................................779

Chapter 45. Cystic Fibrosis .................................................................................................781

Michael S. Schechter, MD, MPH, FAAP

Chapter 46. Cystic Fibrosis Newborn Screening and CFTR-Related

Metabolic Syndrome ............................................................................................................807

Danieli B. Salinas, MD, MS, and Clement L. Ren, MD, MBA

Chapter 47. Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and Other Genetic Lung Diseases ......817

Madhuri Penugonda, MD; Nico W. Vehse, MD; Thomas W. Ferkol, MD; and

Bruce K. Rubin, MEngr, MD, MBA, FRCPC, FAAP

Part 10. Lung Disease Associated With Systemic Disorders.............849

Chapter 48. Respiratory Considerations in Children With Cardiac Disease.... 851

Yehudit Pollack, MD, and Sankaran Krishnan, MD, MPH

Chapter 49. Lung Disease Associated With Endocrine Disorders....................... 869

Michael J. Light, MD, and Martin Draznin, MD

Chapter 50. Pulmonary Complications of Gastrointestinal Diseases .................875

Edward W. Fong, MD

Chapter 51. Pulmonary Complications of Sickle Cell Disease ...............................891 Robyn T. Cohen, MD, MPH Chapter 52. Pulmonary Manifestations of Oncologic Disease and Treatment......................................................................................................................... 913 Mary Bono Cataletto, MD, FAAP, and Caitlin Hurley, MD Chapter 53. Pulmonary Complications of Immunologic Disorders.................... 929 Jay Jin, MD, PhD, and Clement L. Ren, MD, MBA Chapter 54. Pulmonary Complications of Neuromuscular Disorders.................947 Girish D. Sharma, MD, FAAP, FCCP Part 11. Treating and Managing Pulmonary Disease..............................969 Chapter 55. Airway Clearance Techniques ....................................................................971 Karen Ann Hardy, MD, FATS Chapter 56. Aerosol Delivery of Medication.................................................................991 Ariel Berlinski, MD, FAAP, FAARC Chapter 57. Bronchodilators............................................................................................1005 John Welter, MD; H. William Kelly, PharmD; and Leslie Hendeles, PharmD Chapter 58. Antibiotics for Pulmonary Conditions .................................................1019 Michael J. Light, MD; Nanda Ramchandar, MD, MPH, FAAP; and John S. Bradley, MD, FAAP Chapter 59. Nutritional Aspects of Pulmonary Conditions..................................1045 Ellen K. Bowser, MS, RDN, LDN, RN, FAND, and Mary H. Wagner, MD Chapter 60. Oxygen Therapy...........................................................................................1061 Shyall Bhela, MD, and Sankaran Krishnan, MD, MPH Chapter 61. Nicotine and Tobacco.................................................................................1083 Harold J. Farber, MD, MSPH, FAAP, and Marianna Martin Sockrider, MD, DrPH, FAAP Chapter 62. Tracheostomy.................................................................................................1111 Amy S. Whigham, MD, MS-HPEd Chapter 63. Home Ventilation..........................................................................................1125 Howard B. Panitch, MD, and Thomas G. Keens, MD, FAAP Index ............................................................................................................................1145


We are pleased to present the second edition of Pediatric Pulmonology. While

the first edition was intended for primary care physicians, many pediatric

pulmonologists have come to rely on “the blue book” as an excellent reference. In the second edition, we attempted to provide a broad-based reference

that would be useful to subspecialists while still being a most useful reference

for primary care physicians, residents, and students. Recognizing that an

ever-growing number of pulmonology sections and practices include sleep

medicine specialists, this edition dedicates a full section to pediatric sleep

medicine—expanding beyond apparent life-threatening events (now termed

brief, resolved, unexplained events) and sleep-disordered breathing to include

information on normal sleep, sleep-related movement disorders, sleep-wake

disorders, and disorders of excessive somnolence.

As with the first, this edition begins by covering the fundamental topics of

lung anatomy, pulmonary physiology, and the basics of eliciting a thorough

pulmonary history and physical examination. Among the many updates

throughout the book, the chapters on cystic fibrosis and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)-related metabolic syndrome are

significantly different, as they reflect the many developments and advances in

the treatment of these disorders since the first edition was published in 2011.

In addition, the section on lower airway infections was updated and expanded

with more in-depth coverage of pneumonia and the complications of pneumonia, including pneumonia caused by COVID-19.

Dr Light, editor in chief of the first edition, returns to lend his experience and

expertise to this revision, collaborating this time with Dr Van Hook, past chair

of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Section on Pediatric Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine, as well as an esteemed team of associate editors.

This update would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of Chris

Wiberg, our liaison with American Academy of Pediatrics Publishing; we are

indebted to him for his assistance. We would also like to thank the authors of

the individual chapters, who spent countless hours researching and revising

their individual contributions to make this book possible.


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