Merritt’s Neurology 14th Edition 2022 pdf
Development Editor: Ariel S. Winter
Acquisitions Editor: Chris Teja
Editorial Coordinator: Tim Rinehart
Editorial Assistant: Maribeth Wood
Marketing Manager: Kirsten Watrud
Senior Production Project Manager: Alicia Jackson
Manager, Graphic Arts and Design: Stephen Druding
Art Director, Illustration: Jennifer Clements Senior Manufacturing Coordinator: Beth Welsh
Prepress Vendor: Absolute Service, Inc.
Pages: 5907
Contents :
Section Editor: Mitchell S. V. Elkind
. Worldwide Epidemiology of Neurologic Disease
Jennifer Sevush-Garcy and Mitchell S. V. Elkind
The Classification of Disease: What is a Neurologic Disorder ?
. Estimating Disease Burden
Life Expectancy
The Shifting Character of Neurologic Disease Over Time
The Epidemiologic Transition and the Double Burden of Disease
. Chronic Neurological Diseases
Access to Care
Sociocultural Differences in Interpretation of Disease
2 Global Delivery of Neurologic Care
Hiral Shah, Serena Spudich, and Kiran T. Thakur
. Gaps in Global Access to Neurologic Care
. Components Required for Delivery of Neurologic Care
Challenges in Addressing Neurologic Disorders
Stigma Related to Neurologic.. Disorders
Challenges in Health-Seeking Behavior
. Limited Global Access to Diagnostics and Therapeutics for
Neurologic Disorders
Gaps in National Policies and Guidelines for Brain Health
Approaches and Strategies.. to Improve Delivery of
Neurologic Care Globally
Collaborative Partnerships and Coordinated Action
Improving Access to Neurologic.. Care: Primary Care
. Telemedicine and Information and Communication Technology
. Synchronous Approaches
. Asynchronous Approaches
. Training Approaches to Build Capacity
. Community Engagement
. Programs Aimed to Raise Public Awareness
. Conclusion
Section Editor: James M. Noble
3 Neurologic History Taking, Localization, and Differential Diagnosis
James M. Noble
When H. Houston Merritt first published this Textbook of Neurology in 1955,
he was the sole author. The book became popular, and he revised it himself
through the fourth edition. The body of neurologic knowledge increased and,
in the fifth edition, he finally accepted contributions from colleagues. Even
then, he wrote most of the book himself, and he continued to do so for the
sixth edition despite serious physical disability. He died in 1979, just as the
sixth edition was released for distribution.
The seventh edition, published and edited in 1984 by Lewis P. Rowland,
was prepared by 70 of Merritt’s former students, almost all with ties to
Columbia University. Thirty of them headed neurology divisions or
departments, and others had become distinguished clinicians, teachers, and
That edition established Merritt’s legacy as a singular leader
whose career had set models for clinical investigation (when it was just
beginning), clinical practice, teaching, editing books and journals,
administering departments and medical schools, and commitment to national
professional and voluntary health organizations.
Just as Houston Merritt did, “Bud” Rowland served as chief editor for
the next five editions of the book. During that 30-year span, Merritt’s
Textbook of Neurology became firmly established as a classic the world
over. At the same time, as codirector at the Neurological Institute of New
York at Columbia University, Rowland trained and inspired a new generation
of academic and practicing neurologists, edited the journal Neurology and
served as an associate editor for The New England Journal of Medicine,
and was a prolific researcher and writer in his own right, authoring hundreds
of scientific articles.
In 2016, Rowland handed off the lead editing duties of the 13th edition of
Merritt’s textbook to Drs Elan D.
Louis and Stephan A. Mayer while
continuing to serve as a coeditor. The 13th edition represented a thorough
modernization and substantial reboot compared to previous editions. We
substantively broadened the authorship base beyond those who had trained or
worked at Columbia, tapping into the best expertise across the country. More
importantly, we added new focus to the mission of Merritt’s Textbook of
Neurology: While retaining its best elements and traditions, we aimed to
create the essential modern neurology textbook with a global worldview.
Gone were the largely descriptive chapters and black and white photos
of prior editions. The 13th edition blossomed into full color and featured a
completely revamped table of contents, including an opening chapter entitled
“Worldwide Epidemiology of Neurologic Disease,” new chapters related to
acute neurology and neurocritical care, and a new section in the front of the
book entitled “Common Problems in Neurology.” The 13th edition also
emphasized patient management based on evidence-based guidelines, helpful
diagnostic and treatment algorithms, management checklists, and practical
We added for the first time numbered citations to back up all
diagnostic and management recommendations based on high-quality clinical
trials, evidence-based practice guidelines, or meta-analyses.
Lewis P. Rowland died in 2017 at the age of 91 years, 1 year after
publication of the 13th edition. Clinical neurology continues to rapidly
advance on multiple fronts, and we welcome Dr James Noble of Columbia
University as a coeditor. Dr Noble, a cognitive neurologist and experienced
educator, taught in clinical conferences with Dr Rowland until just weeks
before his death. His inclusion builds on the longstanding tradition of
Merritt’s Neurology serving as an important tool in clinical neurology
education. As students and admirers of “Bud” Rowland, we are proud to
dedicate this 14th edition of Merritt’s Textbook of Neurology to Dr
Rowland. As with any dynamic book, the list of authors has continued to
expand, to more than 180 authors for this 14th edition. Although many were
trainees or have worked at Columbia University, we have continued to invite
authors who are world-recognized leading experts. Along the same lines, we
have sought to maintain Houston Merritt’s literary style: direct, clear, and
succinct writing; emphasis on facts rather than unsupported opinion; and
ample use of illustrations and tables.
Other changes with this 14th edition of Merritt’s include the continued
evolution of the book’s unique and colorful visual style, featuring even more
algorithms, flowcharts, illustrations, and videos. The book is designed for
access from tablet, phone, and computer screens with enhanced navigation,
search, and annotation tools.
The chief idea for our readers is to provide
curated, clinically rich information at the bedside, office, and even virtual
clinical session—when and where clinicians need it. The Internet is full of
information, but it is difficult to sort through. Merritt’s provides trusted and
cohesive information from expert all in a single place.
This edition of Merritt’s is fully updated and includes comprehensive
revisions reflecting remarkable progress made in recent years in neurology
research, including new and emerging treatments for diseases previously
without effective pharmacotherapy. New material includes updates on
imaging and interventional therapy for stroke, the latest approved agents for
migraine, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis and new material on neurologic
care in the developing world, neuro–coronavirus disease, septic
encephalopathy, and addiction medicine.
We thank all the authors for their devoted and skillful work. We also
thank the many section editors for their thoughtful guidance and painstaking
This project would never have moved forward without the help of many
people at Wolters Kluwer. Indeed, a full roster of people has been involved
in the project, from its conception to completion. These include Chris Teja
(acquisitions editor), Tim Rinehart and Ariel S. Winter (product
development editors), Maribeth Wood (editorial assistant), Stephen Druding
(design coordinator), Harold Medina (production project manager), and
Kirsten Watrud (marketing manager). Special thanks should go to Andrea
Vosburgh, who initially brought the 13th edition and the concept of a
complete overhaul of the book to fruition.
In addition to Dr Lewis P. Rowland, Dr Louis also dedicates this book to
his late father, Dr Sydney Louis, an academic neurologist who inspired his
career in neurology—a role model as a humanist, an educator, a perceptive
clinician with a keen eye for nuance and detail, and a patient-centered
Countless friends and colleagues with whom we have worked at
The Neurological Institute of New York at Columbia University over the
years deserve credit for inspiring us, most notably John Brust, E. Sander
Connolly, Stanley Fahn, Matthew E. Fink, Laura Lennihan, Linda Lewis,
Karen Marder, J. P. Mohr, Timothy Pedley, Robert A. Solomon, and Olajide
Williams. Dr Louis would like to thank Bettina Evans, at Yale University,
whose tireless efforts early on ensured that spreadsheets would be organized
and authors contacted in a timely manner, and Dr David Hafler, chair of the
Department of Neurology at Yale, for providing support for the project as
this edition was being prepared.
Finally, we would like to personally dedicate this book to the spouses
and children of all the contributors and especially to our own families. Dr
Louis would like to gratefully acknowledge the wise advice and loving
support of his wife, Dr Avra Louis, and that of his children, Devin, Ravi, and
Kiran. The Mayer family includes Dr Elissa Fory and children, Philip,
Catherine, Chloe, and Soren. Dr Noble thanks his family for support
including his wife Anne and their children Josephine, Salvatore, Benicio,
and Beatrice.
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