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The APRN and PA’s Complete Guide to Prescribing Drug Therapy 2022 pdf

 Download The APRN and PA’s Complete Guide to Prescribing Drug Therapy 2022Easily In PDF Format For Free

The APRN and PA’s Complete Guide to Prescribing Drug Therapy 2022 is a prescribing reference
intended for use by healthcare providers in all clinical practice settings who are involved in the
primary care management of patients with acute, episodic, and chronic health problems and
needs for health promotion and disease prevention. It is organized in a concise and easy-to-read
format. Comments are interspersed throughout, including such clinically useful information as
laboratory values to be monitored, patient teaching points, and safety information. If pediatric
indications for a drug have not been established or a drug is not recommended for a pediatric
subgroup, this information is noted accordingly.
This reference is divided into two major sections. Section I presents drug treatment
regimens for over 600 clinical diagnoses. Each drug is listed alphabetically by generic name,
followed by: FDA pregnancy category (A, B, C, D, X); over-the-counter availability (OTC);
DEA schedule (I, II, III, IV, V); generic availability (G); dosing regimens; brand/trade name(s);
dose forms; whether tablets, caplets, or chew tabs are single scored (*), cross-scored (**), or
tri-scored (***); flavors of chewable, sublingual, buccal, and liquid forms; and information

regarding additives (i.e., dye-free, sugar-free, preservative-free or preservative type, alcohol-
free or alcohol content). Non-pharmaceutical products and drugs that received initial FDA

approval on or after June 30, 2015, do not have an FDA pregnancy letter designation. For
information regarding special populations, including pregnant and breastfeeding females, refer
to the manufacturer’s package insert or visit /
to view the product label online. Visit to
view the FDA Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling Final Rule (PLLR) and new label format.
Section II presents clinically useful information organized in table format, including: the
JNC-8 and ASH recommendations for hypertension management, childhood immunization
recommendations, brand/trade name drugs (with contents) for the management of common
respiratory symptoms, anti-infectives by classification, pediatric dosing by weight for liquid
forms, glucocorticosteroids by potency and route of administration, and contraceptives by route
of administration and estrogen and/or progesterone content. An alphabetical cross-reference
index of drugs by generic and brand/trade name, with FDA pregnancy category and controlled
drug schedule, facilitates quick identification of drugs by alternate names and page location(s).
Selected diseases and diagnoses (e.g., angina, ADHD, growth failure, glaucoma,
Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, cystic fibrosis) and selected drugs (e.g., antineoplastics,
antipsychotics, antiarrhythmics, anti-HIV drugs, anticoagulants) are included because patients
are frequently referred to primary care providers by specialists for follow-up monitoring and
on-going management. Further, the shifting healthcare paradigm is such that with expanding
roles and patient empowerment through education, initial diagnosis and initiation of treatment
is increasing in primary care with measurable increases in access to quality healthcare and
improved patient self-care. Several diseases are included that may not be prevalent in North
America but have been identified in other parts of the world. Endemic diseases for which there
is no FDA-approved drug treatment are also included with known transmission and treatment
interventions. Accordingly, this guide serves primary care providers internationally. Today’s
healthcare providers are in an era of rapidly expanding knowledge in the field of genomics,

and thus, each new edition of this prescribing guide contains new drug classes and new FDA-
approved drugs.

For quick reference to pediatric weight-based dosing of a drug, the user is directed to the
dose-by-weight table for that drug in the appendices. Potential safe, efficacious, prescribing
and monitoring of drug therapy regimens requires adequate knowledge about (a) the
pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of drugs, (b) concomitant therapies, and (c)
individual characteristics of the patient (e.g., age, weight, current and past medical history,
physical examination findings, hepatic and renal function, and co-morbidities, and risk
factors). Users of this clinical guide are encouraged to utilize the manufacturer’s package
insert, recommendations and guidance of specialists, standard-of-practice protocols, and the
current research literature for more comprehensive information about specific drugs (e.g., special precautions, drug-drug and drug-food interactions, risk versus benefit, age-related considerations, potential adverse reactions, and appropriate patient-centered care.


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