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The Human Body in Health and Illness-Elsevier (2022)


Download The Human Body in Health and Illness 7 Edition Easily In PDF Format For Free

  The publishing and republishing of an anatomy  and

physiology text require the combined efforts of many
persons with diverse talents. I have been blessed to
work with many generous and talented individuals
at Elsevier and offer my grateful thanks, especially to

Melissa Rawe—always available, helpful, and ever-
encouraging. Special thanks also to Lee Henderson

who gently, efficiently, and wisely kept it all moving

Many thanks also to my students, friends, and ad-
ministration at the University of the Incarnate Word.

They have graciously supported me through all seven
editions. A word of gratitude to the Sisters of Charity
of the Incarnate Word for their vision and commitment
that enlivens the university and the community it

serves. Love them! A special thanks to Dr. Bonnie Mc-
Cormick, a colleague and friend for many years who

thankfully kept me out of meetings and in the class-
room. And that, my friends, was an enormous act of

kindness . . . and profoundly appreciated.
Thanks to my husband, Jerry, kind, most often
patient, and always carefully critical (emphasis on
carefully). He has contributed much to this text by
constructing tables, proofreading, and offering many
helpful hints; he, too, is a physiologist. Thanks to my
daughter Kellie, a nurse practitioner, who proofread,

rewrote, and photocopied in the midst of being a mom

to my three adorable, very mobile, and vocal grand-
children. Whew! Thanks to my children, grandchildren

(grand total . . . five, from toddler to teen, all great in

their own way), and friends for their insistence on lei-
sure and play; they are in charge of my mental health.

I highly recommend “grannyhood”—it is beyond joy
and gets better!
Thanks to my fur baby, Annie (woof), for the hours
she hovered around me and my laptop. As usual, a
special acknowledgment to my beloved dachshund,
Pretzyl, who labored so hard on the first two editions.
Six other furry helpers—Julia, Kenner, Cajun, Zeke,

Lucy, and Minky—are missed but certainly not for-
gotten. These fur babies gave me so much pleasure

and are now hopping around together on Rain-
bow Bridge. A well-fed and sassy feral cat popula-
tion (five beauties) has been added; other “rescues”

have followed and are “indoor dwellers”—Micky
and Frankie. To all of you who humor me about my
pet collection and devotion, many, many thanks for
Last but certainly not least, many thanks to those
who used previous editions and were kind enough to
forward comments and suggestions. Your assistance is
so appreciated. Keep the comments coming!

Again, with enthusiasm and wonder, here is the sev-
enth edition of The Human Body in Health and Illness—

older, wiser, still smiling, and eager to walk with you

on your journey into the health professions. It’s an ex-
citing journey for all, instructors and students, as we

study and ponder the wisdom of the human body.
The Human Body in Health and Illness tells the story
of the human body with all its parts and the way these
parts work together. It is a story that we have told
many times in our classes. It is also a story that gets
better with each telling as the body continues to reveal
its mysteries and how marvelously it has been created.
I hope that you enjoy telling the story as much as I do.

The Human Body in Health and Illness is a basic anat-
omy and physiology text addressed to the student

preparing for a career in the health professions. It is
written for students with minimal preparation in the
sciences; no prior knowledge of biology, chemistry,

or physics is required. The text provides all the back-
ground science information needed for an understand-
ing of anatomy and physiology.

students to master that content before progressing

through the chapter. Ramp It Up! boxes develop se-
lected clinically relevant topics that are simply too

advanced to be included in the text as basic informa-
tion. These boxed features contain new or advanced

content commonly used in the clinical setting and

allow instructors to scale their coverage in a man-
ner appropriate to the course. They offer students

the chance to make further connections between the
text and their future careers. (See the To the Student
preface on page ix for descriptions and examples of
each of the chapter features.)
• Medical terminology is introduced, defined, and
used throughout the text. Common clinical terms
such as hyperkalemia, vasodilation, hypertension, and

diagnosis are defined and reused so that the stu-
dent gradually builds up a substantial medical vo-
cabulary. The expanded Medical Terminology and

Disorders tables were deliberately constructed to
maximize the use of common medical terms and
disorders. To help foster a broader understanding

of medical terminology, word parts and their mean-
ings are included for nearly every term presented.

Repetition of these helps students gain greater
ground in understanding the very specific medical
language they will be learning to use for a future

in the health professions. A description is also pro-
vided, which gives the definition or other pertinent

information on the topic.

• The Review Your Knowledge section has been ex-
panded to include questions that require an ana-
lytical response. The Go Figure questions are based

on the story told by the artwork. The questions can
only be answered by analyzing the art and/or the
information presented in the tables. This exercise
encourages the student to see beyond the “pretty
pictures” and realize that a picture is truly worth a
thousand words. I would encourage you to assist

your students to see that the art and the text are con-
veying the same message.

• The text is supported by many activities, exercises,
puzzles, and games (e.g., Body Bingo) on Evolve

( These activi-
ties emphasize the focus of this text—clinically rel-
evant anatomy and physiology.

• Last, the text incorporates many amusing anecdotes
from the history of medicine. Although the human

body is perfectly logical and predictable, we hu-
mans think, do, and say some strange things. Tales

from the medical crypt provide some good laughs
and much humility.



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